Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This is my first Tag, lets see how it goes!

5 Things that make your stomach turn;

1. Onion breath
2. Someone Spitting
3. My toothbrush when I brush my tongue
4. Being to hot.....YUCK
5. The smell of old X-Ray films, they smell like vinegar

5 Things that I absolutely LOVE/CRAVE;

1. Totinos Pizza (weird cuz pre-preg days I hated all pizza)
2. Snow cones, Tigers blood and vanilla, YUM YUM
3. Pepsi, of course
4. Cool Ranch Doritos
5. Hot Dogs

5 things that I constantly worry about;

1. Where to work after this baby comes
2. Having these 2 babies with different nap times so I can't take one
3. Having a Newborn, they are scary
4. Not making it to the Firecracker shows cuz Felps Bedtime
5. Picking out a name for this fellow

5 Things I am excited about;

2. To be done painting
3. To be done moving into the house
4. To get my haircut
5. Key Lime Bars that are in the oven.

5 Names I like;

1. I got nothing!!!! I do not even have one name in mind for this baby, they are so hard to come up with. It is seriously the hardest thing about having a baby for me. They have to be called this there whole life it is a lot of pressure. Plus Jard and I have a really hard time agreeing on a name. I only won on Felps because he felt bad that I just went through labor and he was in a weak moment. I don't know if I can pull it off this time.


Nicole said...

I'm sure Jared with cave in again. But I do hope that things go a little better this time for you! You're blog is so cute. I love the picture at the top of Felps. He is such a cute little guy. It's been so fun to get to see you guys. We'll have to do lunch sometime or a BBQ.

Kallie said...

oh wow -- 2 -- yes it is a huge adjustment, like when do you shower??? but i finally think i have a handle on things and just am glad i don't have twins like ry's sister. and i'm not sure if you know this but your widget counter is advertising your last period when i think it should be advertising how far along you are? just wondering about that. did you go through all the steps??? ;) miss your guts! (ps. totino's was totally my comfort food when i was puking up everything else.)

Greg and Lisa said...

Amy, have you ever had a moment when you really wish you could see one of your favorite people and then you are looking at someones blog and then you see that person has a blog. It happened to me today and I am so happy about it! Congrats on being with child again! I know your exact feelings! I was also nursing a 8 and a half mo old and wondered what on earth I was going to do with 2 babies...I promise you'll be ok, oh wait, i don't know if i am even ok so I better not offer that kind of advice. But i will say good luck!
I am envious of your house. I would love to remodel an older home. Let me know if it's worth the effort. Check out our blog...I will be visiting yours often! Love ya Ames! Lis
by the way, Felps is adorable!

Greg and Lisa said...

Ha....here's my blog

Greg and Lisa said...

I totally agree with the smell of x-rays, when I worked in the Wayne Co. medical clinic, it would make me sick too and i wasn't even prego. Tan has a blog:
She just started it too. I would love a visit-ANYTIME!!!
Love ya Ames,

Tanya said...

Congratulations! I am really excited for you. Two is a lot of fun and a lot of work! I craved ranch doritos with my little boy, but to this day I can't even look at Totinos pizza or smell anything with "peach". Pregnancy is so weird. I hope all goes well for you. Your little boy is a cutie.
It would be fun to see you....

Jill said...

Ha ha... I'm not pregnant or anything, but whenever Seth and I talk about baby names, it becomes very clear that we CANNOT have a boy because we don't agree on any boy names. So I really am hoping that he'll feel wicked bad for me after I squeeze out a baby and just let me choose. Will that really work? (P.S. I would totally call you because I want to talk again, but I am afraid you might die of boredom, so I'll spare you until I have anything relevant to say.)

Emily said...

That was a cute tag to read. I just can't believe you are craving hot dogs. I don't think that will ever be the case for me, pregnant or not! EWWW.

Good luck on the house. I don't think it even sounds fun....mostly because my husband hates to do that stuff and I know I'd be nagging for years to get anything done. :)

Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?
